Total 122 posts.-
GalaxyHomomer: a web server for protein homo-oligomer structure prediction from a monomer sequence or structure TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Lim Heo, Chiwook Park and Chaok Seok*
GalaxyDock BP2 score: a hybrid scoring function for accurate protein–ligand docking TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Woong-Hee Shin, Hwan Won Chung and Chaok Seok*
Template-based modeling and ab initio refinement of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CAPRI round 30 TOP NEW
Hasup Lee, Minkyung Baek, Gyu Rie Lee, Sangwoo Park and Chaok Seok*
Template-Based Prediction of Protein-Peptide Interactions by Using GalaxyPepDock. In "Modeling Peptide-Protein Interactions" TOP NEW
Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok*
Absolute binding free energies for octa-acids and guests in SAMPL5 TOP NEW
Florentina Tofoleanu*, Juyong Lee, Frank C. Pickard IV, Gerhard König, Jing Huang, Minkyung Baek, Chaok Seok and Bernard R. Brooks
Absolute binding free energy calculations of CBClip host–guest systems in the SAMPL5 blind challenge TOP NEW
Juyong Lee*, Florentina Tofoleanu, Frank C. Pickard IV, Gerhard König, Jing Huang, Ana Damjanovic, Minkyung Baek, Chaok Seok and Bernard R. Brooks
Effective protein model structure refinement by loop modeling and overall relaxation TOP NEW
Gyu Rie Lee, Lim Heo and Chaok Seok*
Prediction of homoprotein and heteroprotein complexes by protein docking and template-based modeling: A CASP-CAPRI experiment TOP NEW
Marc F. Lensink* et al. (Hasup Lee, Minkyung Baek, Sangwoo Park, Lim Heo, Gyu Rie Lee and Chaok Seok)
GalaxyRefineComplex: Refinement of protein-protein complex model structures driven by interface repacking TOP NEW
Lim Heo, Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok*
Galaxy7TM: Flexible GPCR-ligand docking by structure refinement TOP NEW
Gyu Rie Lee and Chaok Seok*