Total 118 posts.-
GalaxyGPCRloop: Template-Based and Ab Initio Structure Sampling of the Extracellular Loops of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors TOP NEW
Jonghun Won, Gyu Rie Lee, Hahnbeom Park and Chaok Seok*
Tribute to Ken A. Dill TOP NEW
Barbara Hribar-Lee, Chaok Seok, Evangelos Coutsias, and Miha Lukšič
Simultaneous refinement of inaccurate local regions and overall structure in the CASP12 protein model refinement experiment TOP NEW
Gyu Rie Lee, Lim Heo, and Chaok Seok*
The challenge of modeling protein assemblies: the CASP12-CAPRI experiment TOP NEW
Marc F. Lensink*, Sameer Velankar, Minkyung Baek, Lim Heo, Chaok Seok and Shoshana J. Wodak*
Cell–cell adhesion in metazoans relies on evolutionarily conserved features of the α-catenin·β-catenin–binding interface TOP NEW
Xiangqiang Shao, Hyunook Kang et al. (Gyu Rie Lee and Chaok Seok)
Benchmarking predictions of allostery in liver pyruvate kinase in CAGI4 TOP NEW
Qifang Xu et al. (Gyu Rie Lee and Chaok Seok)
GalaxyHomomer: a web server for protein homo-oligomer structure prediction from a monomer sequence or structure TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Lim Heo, Chiwook Park and Chaok Seok*
GalaxyDock BP2 score: a hybrid scoring function for accurate protein–ligand docking TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Woong-Hee Shin, Hwan Won Chung and Chaok Seok*
Template-based modeling and ab initio refinement of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CAPRI round 30 TOP NEW
Hasup Lee, Minkyung Baek, Gyu Rie Lee, Sangwoo Park and Chaok Seok*
Template-Based Prediction of Protein-Peptide Interactions by Using GalaxyPepDock. In "Modeling Peptide-Protein Interactions" TOP NEW
Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok*