Total 122 posts.-
Structure prediction of biological assemblies using GALAXY in CAPRI rounds 38-45 TOP NEW
Taeyong Park, Hyeonuk Woo, Minkyung Baek, Jinsol Yang and Chaok Seok*
Modeling Protein Homo-Oligomer Structures with GalaxyHomomer Web Server. In "Protein Structure Prediction" TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Lim Heo and Chaok Seok*
GalaxySagittarius: Structure- and Similarity-Based Prediction of Protein Targets for Druglike Compounds TOP NEW
Jinsol Yang, Sohee Kwon, Sang-Hun Bae, Kyoung Mii Park, Changsik Yoon, Ji-Hyun Lee* and Chaok Seok*
Aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase undergoes structural transition to form extended spirosomes for substrate channeling TOP NEW
Gijeong Kim, Jinsol Yang, Juwon Jang, Jin-Seok Choi, Andrew J. Roe, Olwyn Byron, Chaok Seok and Ji-Joon Song*
GalaxyDock3: Protein–ligand docking that considers the full ligand conformational flexibility TOP NEW
Jinsol Yang, Minkyung Baek and Chaok Seok*
Prediction of protein oligomer structures using GALAXY in CASP13 TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Hyeonuk Woo and Chaok Seok*
Blind prediction of homo- and hetero-protein complexes: The CASP13-CAPRI experiment TOP NEW
Marc F. Lensink* et al. (Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Hyeonuk Woo and Chaok Seok)
Assessment of protein model structure accuracy estimation in CASP13: Challenges in the era of deep learning TOP NEW
Jonghun Won, Minkyung Baek, Bohdan Monastyrskyy, Andriy Kryshtafovych and Chaok Seok*
GalaxyTongDock: Symmetric and asymmetric ab initio protein–protein docking web server with improved energy parameters TOP NEW
Taeyong Park, Minkyung Baek, Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok*
GalaxyRefine2: Simultaneous refinement of inaccurate local regions and overall protein structure TOP NEW
Gyu Rie Lee, Jonghun Won, Lim Heo and Chaok Seok*