Total 122 posts.-
GalaxySite: ligand-binding-site prediction by using molecular docking TOP NEW
Lim Heo, Woong-Hee Shin, Myeong Sup Lee* and Chaok Seok*
Blind prediction of interfacial water positions in CAPRI TOP NEW
Marc F. Lensink* et al. (Hahnbeom Park, Junsu Ko, Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok)
Prediction of Protein Structure and Interaction by GALAXY Protein Modeling Programs TOP NEW
Woong-Hee Shin, Gyu Rie Lee, Lim Heo, Hasup Lee and Chaok Seok*
GalaxyDock2: Protein–ligand docking using beta-complex and global optimization TOP NEW
Woong-Hee Shin, Jae-Kwan Kim, Deok-Soo Kim* and Chaok Seok*
Community-wide evaluation of methods for predicting the effect of mutations on protein–protein interactions TOP NEW
Rocco Moretti et al. (Hasup Lee, Hahnbeom Park and Chaok Seok)
Alternative zinc-binding sites explain the redox sensitivity of zinc-containing anti-sigma factors TOP NEW
Lim Heo, Yoo-Bok Cho, Myeong Sup Lee, Jung-Hye Roe* and Chaok Seok*
New molecular interaction of IIANtr and HPr from Burkholderia pseudomallei identified by X-ray crystallography and docking studies TOP NEW
Mi-Sun Kim, Hasup Lee, Lim Heo, Areum Lim, Chaok Seok* and Dong Hae Shin*
GalaxyRefine: protein structure refinement driven by side-chain repacking TOP NEW
Lim Heo, Hahnbeom Park and Chaok Seok*
Switchable Nanoporous Sheets by the Aqueous Self-Assembly of Aromatic Macrobicycles TOP NEW
Yongju Kim, Suyong Shin, Taehoon Kim, Dongseon Lee, Chaok Seok and Myongsoo Lee*
What stabilizes close arginine pairing in proteins? TOP NEW
Dongseon Lee, Juyong Lee and Chaok Seok*