Total 118 posts.-
GalaxyWater-wKGB: Prediction of Water Positions on Protein Structure Using wKGB Statistical Potential TOP NEW
Lim Heo, Sangwoo Park and Chaok Seok*
Symmetry-related residues as promising hotspots for the evolution of de novo oligomeric enzymes TOP NEW
Jaeseung Yu, Jinsol Yang, Chaok Seok and Woon Ju Song*
Structure, Dynamics, Receptor Binding, and Antibody Binding of the Fully Glycosylated Full-Length SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in a Viral Membrane TOP NEW
Yeol Kyo Choi, Yiwei Cao, Martin Frank, Hyeonuk Woo, Sang-Jun Park, Min Sun Yeom, Tristan I. Croll, Chaok Seok and Wonpil Im*
Prediction of Molecular Electronic Transitions Using Random Forests TOP NEW
Beomchang Kang, Chaok Seok and Juyong Lee*
Sclerostin inhibits Wnt signaling through tandem interaction with two LRP6 ectodomains TOP NEW
Jinuk Kim et al. (Taeyong Park and Chaok Seok)
Developing a Fully Glycosylated Full-Length SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Model in a Viral Membrane TOP NEW
Hyeonuk Woo, Sang-Jun Park, Yeol Kyo Choi, Taeyong Park, Maham Tanveer, Yiwei Cao, Nathan R. Kern, Jumin Lee, Min Sun Yeom, Tristan I. Croll*, Chaok Seok* and Wonpil Im*
Structure prediction of biological assemblies using GALAXY in CAPRI rounds 38-45 TOP NEW
Taeyong Park, Hyeonuk Woo, Minkyung Baek, Jinsol Yang and Chaok Seok*
Modeling Protein Homo-Oligomer Structures with GalaxyHomomer Web Server. In "Protein Structure Prediction" TOP NEW
Minkyung Baek, Taeyong Park, Lim Heo and Chaok Seok*
GalaxySagittarius: Structure- and Similarity-Based Prediction of Protein Targets for Druglike Compounds TOP NEW
Jinsol Yang, Sohee Kwon, Sang-Hun Bae, Kyoung Mii Park, Changsik Yoon, Ji-Hyun Lee* and Chaok Seok*
Aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase undergoes structural transition to form extended spirosomes for substrate channeling TOP NEW
Gijeong Kim, Jinsol Yang, Juwon Jang, Jin-Seok Choi, Andrew J. Roe, Olwyn Byron, Chaok Seok and Ji-Joon Song*