Total 122 posts.-
CSAlign and CSAlign-Dock: Structure alignment of ligands considering full flexibility and application to protein-ligand docking TOP NEW
Sohee Kwon and Chaok Seok*
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of odorant binding and activation of the human OR52 family TOP NEW
Chulwon Choi et al. (Seho Lee, Chaok Seok and Hahnbeom Park)
ECPAS/Ecm29-mediated 26S proteasome disassembly is an adaptive response to glucose starvation TOP NEW
Won Hoon Choi et al. (Seho Lee, Jiho Sim and Chaok Seok)
GalaxyDock2-HEME: protein-ligand docking for heme proteins TOP NEW
Changsoo Lee, Jinsol Yang, Sohee Kwon and Chaok Seok*
Benchmarking applicability of medium-resolution cryo-EM protein structures for structure-based drug design TOP NEW
Seho Lee, Chaok Seok* and Hahnbeom Park*
Atomic-level thermodynamics analysis of the binding free energy of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies TOP NEW
Jihyeon Lee, Chaok Seok, Sihyun Ham and Song-Ho Chong*
Ebastine impairs metastatic spread in triple-negative breast cancer by targeting focal adhesion kinase TOP NEW
Juyeon Seo et al. (Jinsol Yang and Chaok Seok)
HProteome-BSite: predicted binding sites and ligands in human 3D proteome TOP NEW
Jiho Sim, Sohee Kwon and Chaok Seok*
Structural basis for Y2 receptor-mediated neuropeptide Y and peptide YY signaling TOP NEW
Hyunook Kang et al. (Sohee Kwon and Chaok Seok)
GalaxyWater-CNN: Prediction of Water Positions on the Protein Structure by a 3D-Convolutional Neural Network TOP NEW
Sangwoo Park and Chaok Seok*